Monday, January 28, 2013

DIY #5: Open Shoulder Top

What you'll need:
- Any sleeved top 
- A pair of scissors
- Fabric glue
- Type A Studs (Light Pink)
- Ruler

Duration: 1 hour

Level of difficulty: 1/5

Step 1: Find a long sleeved top. (Collared top looks great with open shoulders!)

Step 2: Flip the top inside out and cut an elongated semi-circle with a diameter of about 11cm. (White)
Snip 1cm at the ends of the semi-circle and at the tip. (Blue)

Step 3: Use fabric glue to seal the flap so it will look neater from the outside.

Step 4: Flip the top back to its original side and line the studs near edge of the opening.

For the front I used black studs and the back was light pink studs.

Final product of my DIY! 

I was quite surprised how well it looked after the DIY. From a simple plain long sleeve top it was transformed into something more unique and interesting. Can't wait to wear this out! 

Thanks for viewing!